Town Profile

taal town profile

• Geographic Location and Topography

The Municipality of Taal is centrally located at latitude 13 – 53 – 00N and longitude 120 – 56 – 00E. It is bounded on the north by the Municipality of San Nicolas; on the east by the Municipality of Sta. Teresita; on the south by the Municipality of San Luis; and on the West by the Municipality of Lemery.

• Climate and Rainfall

Taal belongs to Type 1 climate which is characterized by two pronounced seasons: dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year. Mean relative humidity shows maximum rates of 83% to 88% which occur from August to November while the lower rates occur from March to May. The lowest minimum temperature does not drop below 20 degrees centigrade and the highest is 24.4 degrees centigrade. The lowest maximum temperature is 25.8 degrees centigrade occurs from December to January while the highest maximum of 24.5 degrees centigrade occurs from March to July of each year.

• Total land area: 2,976.42 has.

• Number of barangays: 42
Urban: 14
Rural: 28

• Population: 51,503 (as of 2010 Census of Population & Housing)

• Income class: Third Class

• List of Special Events/Festivals:

Town Fiesta – December 9
Feast of St. Martin de Tours – November 11
El Pasubat Festival – April

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